Hytone Ag-Grid Digester

Hytone Farm, LLC is owned by Bill and Greg Peracchio. They are 3rd and 4th-generation family members, with this same family farming on the land since 1944. Bill and Greg (father and son) are primarily responsible for daily operations on the farm and both owners are strongly committed to sustainability practices in general, and this renewable energy venture, specifically.
Hytone Farm is presently milking about 300 cows in a standard milking parlor and expect to see steady growth in their milking operations in the next 5 years. Greg's main focus has been to sustainably grow the herd and diversify his overall operation which now includes custom manure spreading, manure spreader sales, seed sales, and this on farm anaerobic digester project. For the last decade, the Peracchio's have also been involved in a local milk marketing group which has focused on bringing local dairy products to consumers in Connecticut. The farm currently employs 5 full-time and 3 part-time people along with several seasonal employees who help with the cropping operation.
They ship 20,000+ pounds of milk each day through their dairy cooperative. In addition to the milking operation, they grow 320 acres of corn and 340 acres of hay. These crops are used to feed their animals and are sometimes sold to other farmers in need. The farm currently has about 1.5 million gallons of manure storage.
Hytone Farm LLC, has partnered with Ag Grid LLC to form a Special Purpose Company, Hytone-Ag Grid LLC, for ownership of and investment in the digester system.



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