
  • Build small to medium size Biogas plants in the US
  • Raw materials for biogas production will be animal waste and food waste
  • Primary product would be electricity
  • Co-product would be digestate for bedding and compost
  • Finance, build, own and operate the Biogas facilities, manage raw material supply chains, sell electricity and market the digestate

Value of Anaerobic Digesters

  • Odor—meaning odor control and reduction
  • Application—being able to apply manure to farmland more easily (e.g., when the ground is frozen)
  • Electricity—including both electricity sales and offsets of electrical bills
  • Bedding—using recovered digested solids for animal bedding or compost
  • Fertilizer—using the digester effluent as a replacement or substitute for commercial fertilizer
  • Environment—protecting air and water quality
  • Manure—managing the volume of manure

Technology & Value


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