Richard Woodger

Richard Woodger holds a degree in agriculture from Stockbridge College and is a former member of Agri-Mark board of directors. But, he did not belong to the dairy farming world in the beginning. He was not born and raised on a farm. His father was an aeronautical engineer for Pratt and Whitney but, Richard always felt a kinship to the land and farming on it. He started is journey out humbly as a young man by borrowing money to purchase a few cows and reant a little bit of land. Through his hard work and ethics he has turned his choice to farm into a successful lifestyle. Today his farm has 500 head of cattle over his large farm, out of which they milk round 300 of them. Even though everyday is long and challenging, Richard is proud of his accomplishment and is happy to point out that his work brings safe, healthy food to the world. The thought brings him the kind of satisfaction like nothing else can.
Richard an expert on dairy farming knows the farming community and the challenges they all face from the havoc low milk prices are creating for their already volatile industry. Even so, he is committed to helping out farmers from the east coast to the west. What drives him even further is the knowledge that his son Doug who works the farm with him and his other son Dan who lives next door and helps in excavation and mechanical repairs, are both going to succeed him in farming. And he needs to create a better and a more economically lasting structure for them to carry on.


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