
November 16, 2018

Thompson Farm Gets $244k REAP Grant For Digester

A $244,000 USDA Rural Energy for America Program grant has been awarded to Fort Hill Farm AG-Grid LLC. The announcement followed a visit to Fort Hill Farms by US Sen. Richard Blumenthal on Oct. 30. The grant will be used for the purchase and installation of a 450kW anaerobic digester. The 850,000 gallon digester will process manure and food waste into biofuel to be converted into electricity. The project is […]
May 18, 2018

Rockwood Ag-Grid’s anaerobic digester is receiving food waste now!

March 20, 2018

Cow Power: The Digest’s 2018 Multi-Slide Guide to Ag-Grid Energy

Ag-Grid Energy has a vision to convert agricultural and organic waste into renewable energy, compost and support local area practices that lead us towards a sustainable environment. The company intends to finance, build, own (jointly), operate the waste to energy conversion facilities in US, and has four projects underway in New England. Ag -Grid Energy CEO Rashi Akki gave this illuminating overview of the company;s promise and progress at ABLC […]
February 9, 2018

Ag-Grid Energy was granted the Recycle Grant to add facilities at Granville, MA

BOSTON — The Baker-Polito Administration today awarded nearly $1 million in grants to six companies under the Commonwealth’s Recycling Business Development Grant (RBDG) program, which will enable the companies to better process and manage food material, wood, and bulky plastics. The grant program, administered by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), will expand the recycling operations and increase the amount and quality of recycling now occurring at Ag-Grid Energy, LLC; […]
January 12, 2018

Eight Projects Proposed in Round 4 of the Connecticut Microgrid Grant Program

The application window for Round 4 of the pioneering Connecticut microgrid grant program closed with the onset of the new year. Eight entities filed applications for funding to develop community microgrids with the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), which is managing and administering the program. Originally created in 2012 upon passage of Public Act 12-148, Connecticut’s microgrid program was the first of its kind in the nation.  Sponsored […]
October 31, 2017

Dalton ponders ‘cow power’ for town electrical needs

DALTON — The town is embracing wind energy, but officials plan to chew a bit more on “cow power.” The Select Board heard a pitch Monday from Hampshire Power to buy electricity produced from cow manure and compost. Doing so would support green energy and yield credits to reduce its electric bill. The five-member board decided to hold off on a decision until its next meeting. But the town is […]
October 31, 2017

Sustainability Is Key To Fort Hill Farms Future

Farming is in Kies Orr’s blood. The 24-year-old is the third generation to work at Fort Hill Farms, in Thompson. The dairy farm was started by her grandfather, Ernie O’Leary, 70 years ago. Now, Fort Hill Farms is riding a wave of technological breakthroughs that promises increased dairy production, more comfort for the cows, and sustainability well into the future. With a degree in agricultural business and dairy management from […]
October 20, 2017

Rockwood Ag-Grid receives Air Permit to build Anaerobic Digester in Granville MA

Digester will produce enough renewable energy to light up 320 US homes and divert 20,000 tons of organic waste from landfills Oct 18, 2017 Granville, MA– Rockwood Ag-Grid LLC is pleased to announce that the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (Mass DEP) has granted a plan approval to the anaerobic gas digestion system, an associated engine, and an enclosed flare (the “Plant”) at Rockwood Farm located at 355 Granby Road […]


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