Eight Projects Proposed in Round 4 of the Connecticut Microgrid Grant Program

The application window for Round 4 of the pioneering Connecticut microgrid grant program closed with the onset of the new year. Eight entities filed applications for funding to develop community microgrids with the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), which is managing and administering the program.

Originally created in 2012 upon passage of Public Act 12-148, Connecticut’s microgrid program was the first of its kind in the nation.  Sponsored by the state, the program’s foremost goal is enhancing the reliability and resiliency of electricity supply.

All eight applicants proposed microgrids that will operate behind the utility meter. They also have black start and load shedding capabilities. Connected to the utility grid, the community microgrids will be able to disconnect from it and operate autonomously, in island mode, in the event of grid outages.

Sourced from- https://microgridknowledge.com/microgrid-grant-connecticut/

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