Time is running out to take advantage of local, sustainable Cow Power.

Save your town money while supporting dairy farmers.

Save money by partnering with Western Massachusetts dairy farms.
We supply towns and schools with low cost green power and support local agriculture.

It’s called Hampshire Cow Power.

Hampshire Cow Power is a program of HCG’s Hampshire Renewables, where participating municipal buildings receive a 15% discount on net metering credits from local dairy farms. These dairy farms use food waste and cow manure to generate electricity sustainably. It reduces odors, reduces greenhouse emissions and saves you money.

Hampshire Renewables has already partnered with 11 towns and schools to receive net metering credits, saving them upwards of thousands of dollars annually. Spots are filling up quickly, so don’t miss out!

We have two systems coming online soon. Luther Belden Farm in Hatfield is live on January 31st and Rockwood Farm in Granville will be ready on March 31st. We have a limited supply of net metering credits available, and time is running out to take advantage of the savings.

Participating is easy!

1.) Go to our website https://hcg-ma.org/hampshire-renewables and fill in the form. If you happen to have a recent electricity bills for the town you can add them.

2.) Our team will put together a plan for your town buildings. No obligation.

3.) You will be linked with a particular farm that will produce your town’s net metering credits.

4.) Start seeing the 15% discount on your town’s energy costs.

These partnerships will bring money saving net metering credits and jobs to Western Massachusetts towns. Local dairy farms need your help to stay in business.

Net metering allows you to support local, renewable energy facilities while reducing costs. It is a win for our economy, our environment, and your wallet.

If you are interested in learning more about net metering projects please visit our website: https://hcg-ma.org/hampshire-renewables.


Hampshire Renewables Team

99 Main St
Northampton, MA 01060

Sourced from-  https://mailchi.mp/229cc2a1df09/your-hampshire-renewables-update-392431


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