If 50% of the food waste generated each year in the U.S. was anaerobically digested, enough electricity would be generated to power over 2.5 million homes for a year. Food waste is the second largest category of municipal solid waste (MSW) sent to landfills in the United States. Over 30 million tons of food waste is sent to landfills every year.
Existing markets suggest that a number of commercial businesses find it difficult to dispose of the food waste generated. Consequently, an influx of food waste is hauled to states not yet affected by a food waste ban and dumped in the landfills.
By promoting the transition of food waste disposal practices towards a green route, we look to partner with organizations of all sizes including local companies, universities, municipalities and others to serve communities & stimulate business.
We provide a beneficial alternative to landfilling/incineration by taking away the excess food waste from large food waste producers in accordance with the Commercial Food Waste Disposal Ban.
Ag-Grid’s goal is to properly process food waste through anaerobic digestion to

1) Produce clean energy,
2) Enhance the soil as fertilizer
3) Feed animals
4) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
5) Conserve landfill
6) Keep the environment safe from toxic pollutants.


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